InnerWork differs from person to person depending on one's history, plus all the varying human aspects which make us individuals, unique, with our shared Basic Needs for warmth, clean air, water, soil, food, safety, Trust, educational opportunities, etc.
Typically when Life has become such a bumpy ride we are not able to maintain our Balance, Endurance, Clarity ~ We are not manifesting the goals that make us happy, satisfied. This is often when we feel the need to seek support, when we know we have much to learn, much to Change, much to get back to, which means Getting Back to Our Truer Selves.
Success does not mean reaching an end mark, a final goal. Success means being relatively Whole, Being 'You' rather than being the product of parental, societal Conditioning, coaxed away from 'What is Inside,' conditioned to fit into a system that is not really interested in or caring for Who You Actually Are, your gifts, values, interests, capacities; what you have to offer this family, this community, this World.
I offer support to those who have reached the point where Life is not working, Life is not reflecting their authentic sense of Self ~ These are the ones determined to find their way back to Themselves ~ ahhh